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Home > Specific surface area (BET) and porosity analyzer

Specific surface area (BET) and porosity analyzer

24 April 2020

The Micrometrics Tristar II analyzer™ is used for determination of specific surface area of solids and porous materials such as biochar or lignin. Moreover, it could be used to measure the total pore volume and the pore size distribution of a solid sample. The analyzer works with both CO2 and N2 isotherms. In addition, the analyzer is equipped with a three-station degasser, which allows the user to degas 3 samples at the same time. Three analysis stations allow the operator to perform a triplicate analysis in one step.

Parameter Detection limit
Specific surface (m2/g) ≥ 0,01
Total area surface (m2) ≥ 0,1
Pore volume (cm3/g) ≥ 4×10-6